Some hardcore fans of The Beatles and practitioners of Transcendent Meditation have at least one thing in common: They have made a pilgrimage, at some point, to the holy city of Rishikesh, India. You might know this place as the area near the River Ganges that The Beatles visited in 1968. It’s even known by some as the “Beatles ashram”. That very visit would change the trajectory of the Fab Four’s music together for several years.
The Beatles visited Rishikesh to learn about Transcendental Meditation under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The trip influenced their music significantly, particularly the famedWhite Album.
Why The Beatles Went to India in 1968
In 1968, the band made their journey to India initially to get some much-needed respite from fame and to nurture their spirituality. They stayed at Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s famed ashram near the banks of the Ganges River.
The Beatles stayed there for a number of weeks from February to April. During this trip, all four of the band members completely immersed themselves in Transcendental Meditation and the gorgeous scenery of Rishikesh
The trip affected each member’s creativity in a major way. A ton of music was written during this time. And it was a pleasant experience during an otherwise tumultuous time for the band, considering they were already on a downward spiral toward disbanding. The Beatles enjoyed songwriting sessions, shared a lot of joy, and created among themselves a magical sort of atmosphere that resulted in much of the White Album, which was released later that year.
Going to Rishikesh was a smart move for the band and the city, and not just spiritually. The Beatles got a ton of creative inspiration. Just as well, the “Yoga Capital of the World” also got quite a bit of media coverage following their visit. In a way, their visit turned Rishikesh into the place to retreat to if you needed some spiritual soul-searching.
The Music The Beatles Made During Their Time in India
There are quite a few noteworthy songs that The Beatles wrote during their retreat in India. Between meditation sessions, the band found that the best way to pass the time was to work on new music together.
Those sessions proved fruitful. John Lennon wrote “I’m So Tired” following one too many sleepless nights at the ashram. “Dear Prudence” is another noteworthy song that was written in India. That song was inspired by Prudence Farrow (sister of actress Mia Farrow), who also studied meditation under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
The band also put together the songs “Blackbird”, “Julia”, “Revolution”, and “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da” while in India. In total, it is believed that the band wrote about 30 songs during their stay, 19 of which made it to the White Album.